Sheesh Fit
Welcome to Sheesh Fit! This is an educational podcast promoting holistic fitness and is hosted by Ashish Thomas, a certified personal trainer and fitness enthusiast. Discussions range from exercise techniques to mental health and inspiring stories. Every episode details a unique aspect of healthy living and provides advice on how to become fitter!
61 episodes
Spartan Training Program
The Spartans have been known throughout history as elite warriors. To achieve this status, they had to be trained from childhood. I discuss the training program and how it affected Spartan life. References: https://www.wor...
Season 1
Episode 60

Overhead Press
The overhead press (OHP) is a pushing/vertical pressing exercise that is a staple of many fitness routines. It is used to increase strength and build up the deltoids. I discuss the form of both the dumbbell and barbell variations
Season 1
Episode 59

Shin Splints
Shin splints are common injuries to the shin bone that commonly affect runners or individuals who rapidly increase the intensity of exercise. I discuss what shin splints are and how to recover from them. Reference:
Season 1
Episode 58

Health Benefits of Almonds
Almonds are a superfood that can provide a multitude of health benefits backed by scientific research. I discuss these benefits in detail and why almonds should be included in one's diet.References:
Season 1
Episode 57

Hip Thrusts
The hip thrust is a very underrated hip hinge movement. I discuss how to perform the exercise and its many benefits. The hip thrust induces hypertrophy of the posterior leg muscles, but it can also increase explosiveness or be utilized for reha...
Season 1
Episode 56

Run Clubs
Run clubs are a great way to exercise while socializing. I discuss the benefits of joining such a club. I also examine the process of starting a run club.
Season 1
Episode 55

Pec Tears
Pec tears are a relatively uncommon but devastating injury. I discuss what pec tears are and distinguish the different types of pec tears. A legendary example of this injury is that of Cody Rhodes.
Season 1
Episode 54

Hamstring Training
I discuss how to optimally target the hamstrings. I go over how to perform leg curls and Romanian Deadlifts.
Season 1
Episode 53

Supersetting is a workout technique that involves performing two exercises back-to-back with little to no rest in between. I discuss how to implement supersets in workouts to save time and build muscle.
Season 1
Episode 52

Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America. I discuss the rules of the sport and its many benefits.
Season 1
Episode 51

Happy 50th to My Dad! (Interview)
My biggest influence and my childhood hero is my Dad. He has lived a noteworthy and adventurous 50 years and has learned many things along the way. We discuss health and wellness, and my Dad imparts wisdom he obtained through his many experienc...
Season 1
Episode 50

Barre vs Pilates
Low-intensity training has grown tremendously in popularity over the past decade. I discuss two forms of low-intensity training, Barre and Pilates. References: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6732550/
Season 1
Episode 49

How to Boost Your Vertical
The vertical jump allows you to assess your explosiveness, and it is important for almost all sports and athletic endeavors. I discuss how to perform the vertical jump and how to improve it. References: https://pubmed.ncbi...
Season 1
Episode 48

Mental Health Tips I Found Helpful
In this podcast, we've gone deeply into various aspects of physical fitness, but we haven't examined mental health to a similar extent. I discuss the importance of mental health and some tips and techniques that work for me. Refere...
Season 1
Episode 47

Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet has remained a beacon of health for a long time and is a great nutrition plan for longevity. I discuss what this diet is and the particular benefits associated with it. References: https://pubmed.ncb...
Season 1
Episode 46

Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a fantastic low-intensity exercise that has many health benefits. I discuss these benefits as well as how to get into Tai Chi. References: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-health-benefits-of-ta...
Season 1
Episode 45

Pistol Squat
The pistol squat is a very challenging body-weight leg exercise. I discuss the techniques to be able to perform this exercise and the proper form to avoid injury.
Season 1
Episode 44

Weightlifting Belts Applications and Types
We've all seen weightlifting belts in the gym, but many of us don't know their purpose. I discuss the reasons why one should use a belt as well as the different types of belts available.
Season 1
Episode 43

Black Rice
Black rice is something that you may have never heard of, but it has notable health benefits. I discuss these benefits in detail. References: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7504512/ http://iasir.net/AIJRFANSp...
Season 1
Episode 42

Farmer's Walk
The Farmer's Walk is a challenging and beneficial carry exercise that involves every muscle in your body. I discuss how to perform it proficiently.
Season 1
Episode 41

Getting Started with Yoga
Yoga has existed from the dawn of time, but it has been especially influential in American society in the last decade. I provide a background into Yoga and discuss how to get started.
Season 1
Episode 40

Zone 2 Training
Zone 2 training is vital to improving performance and health span. I discuss what it is and how to implement it into your routine. References: https://www.howardluksmd.com/zone-2-hr-training-live-longer-less-injury/ https:...
Season 1
Episode 39

Bulgarian Split Squat
The Bulgarian Split Squat is one of the most intense leg exercises you can do. I discuss the form and variations of this exercise.
Season 1
Episode 38